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Your Northern Arizona Outdoor News Source

Grand Canyon Mountain Lions

in the grand amphitheater of the Grand Canyon, where nature scripts its epic tales, there lurks a narrative less spoken of but equally riveting—the saga of the mountain lion, the canyon’s silent stalker.

As your guide through these chronicles, I, Stoney, invite you to tread softly on this hallowed ground where the whispers of the wild resonate with the stealthy paws of this elusive predator.

Navigating the Grand Canyon’s rugged expanse offers more than just a feast for the eyes; it’s a journey into the heart of the wild, where the mountain lion reigns with a silent yet commanding presence.

This apex predator, draped in a cloak of mystery, navigates the canyon’s terrains with an elegance that belies its power, embodying the untamed essence of this natural wonder. As we venture along the trails, each step unearths stories of survival and sovereignty, etched not in stone, but in the soft earth tread by paws.

The tracks of the mountain lion, like secret scripts of the wild, narrate tales of a life hidden from the human eye, turning our path into a live documentary narrated by nature itself.

But let’s not forget, this journey through the Grand Canyon is a shared pilgrimage with these majestic beings. Their realm, a testament to nature’s raw, unbridled beauty, offers us a glimpse into the heart of the wild, adding a layer of profound respect to our adventure.

So, with every step into the canyon’s depths, carry the awe and caution due to these silent sovereigns. Let their presence enhance your experience, turning it into a dance with the divine, where each moment is a step in the eternal ballet of life. In the Grand Canyon, every trail tells a story, and every shadow hides a legend. As we wander through this magnificent landscape, let’s heed the silent tales of the mountain lion, the spirit of the canyon.

Join me in exploring these narratives, not just as spectators but as humble guests in the grand theatre of nature. For those yearning to delve deeper into the canyon’s secrets and to trek safely in the realm of the mountain lion, our digital guide awaits. It’s a portal to the wild, offering insights, maps, and the untold stories of the Grand Canyon. Together, let’s embark on this journey, where the wild calls and the adventure never ends.


Links and more info


NPS Mountain Lion Webpage

NPS Mountain Lion Research Webpage

More Info

From the Grand Canyon NPS Website:

  • They are the largest completely carnivorous animals in the park. At the shoulders, an adult mountain lion stands about 2-3 feet tall and 6 -7.5 feet long from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail.
  • In Grand Canyon National Park, they most frequently live in the forests of the North and South Rims.
  • Mountain lions have very large territories- their home range is usually around 150 square miles. This means that most mountain lions here live both in the Park and the surrounding Forest Service lands.
  • Mountain lions are ambush predators that prey primarily on mule deer and elk
  • Humans in Grand Canyon have no reason to fear mountain lions because they do not see humans as prey. For mountain lions however, being hit by cars is a common cause of death. Please use caution while driving, especially on East Rim Drive, and keep an eye out for mountain lion and other animals crossing the road


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